C's 41-81

Images are arranged alphabetically by surname and then given names.
Lost Souls: Chapman, Charlie, Chearnley, Cheesewell, Chidlow, Chinaman, Chippindall, Chopin, Christensen, Christie, Church, Cigilua, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clayton, Clements, Clinch, Clough, Cloughley, Coates – Bussell, Ewart, Jasper, Livingstone, McDonald, Molloy
Rest Places: Bokal, Broad Arrow Kurawah Cemetery, Broome Pioneer Cemetery, Canning Stock Route, Darkin, Davyhurst Cemetery, Ellensbrook Margaret River, Hawthornden Toodyay, Hillman Downs West Arthur, Moora, Mosquito Creek, Mt Newman Cemetery, Mulwarrie, Northam, Red Flag Hawks Nest Laverton, Rothsay Cemetery, Wogoola Station (Nyang), Woodman Point
41 images here - More to come . . .