Small Cemeteries 121-160

The development of Western Australia has seen many small cemeteries created as people explored and settled in this state.
Some graves have headstones and others are unmarked and in some cases there is only a list of people who have been buried there but care has been taken to remember the people who have come before us.
Lost Souls: Arnason, Auburn, Ball-King, Barkus, Bell, Bidwell, Boundy, Bourgoin, Brouder, Brown, Butler, Bynth, Calder, Callaghan, Carroll, Church, Clark, Clements, Clinch, Collins, Conway, Cosar, Cowie, DeHamiel, Devas, Downing, Draper, Duff, Edmondson, Elliott, Eustace, Evans, Gallagher, Gibson, Harbourdt, Harrington, Hattley, Hay, Hayes, Hewitt, Irwin, Jackson, Jeffries, Jessie, Joyce, Kealy, Keane, King, Knott, Lawrence, Lee, Lees, Lennane, Lyons, Mahoney, Manson, Marmham, Mason, Mitchell, Morgan, McCarroll, McCreinan, McGuinness, McMurtrie, Napier, Northey, O'Donohue, Oldfield, Oldham, Paton, Radinicich, Richards, Roberts, Rose, Ross, Russell, Saunders, Schmaka, Scott, Sheridan, Shimamoto, Smith, Stegie, Stephenson, Stewart, Storck, Storrar, Strudwick, Swinton, Taylor, Tonkin, Warton, Wildbure, Williams, Willox
Rest Places: Mt Ida Cemetery, Mt Keith Cemetery, Mt Margaret Cemetery, Mt Morgan Cemetery, Mulline Cemetery, Mulwarrie Cemetery, Munglinup Cemetery, Murrum Murrim Cemetery, Nannine Cemetery, Nardie Cemetery Toodyay, Newman Cemetery, Northam Cemetery, Nullagine Cemetery, Nungarra Cemetery Sandstone, Old Menzies Cemetery, Ora Banda Cemetery, Paddington Gudara Cemetery, Paynes Find Cemetery, Peak Hill Cemetery
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