L's 1-41
Images are arranged alphabetically by surname and then given names.
Lost souls: Lacy, Lahiff, Lamb, Lamont, Lancaster, Langham, Langmid, Langridge, Lansdell, Lapthorne, Larking, Lawrence, Lawson, Leake, Learmonth, Lee, Lee-Court, Leeder, Lefroy, Leggett, Lelbach - Harrison, Plozza, Scott
Rest Places: Bencubbin, Bilung Pool Carnarvon, Boorabin, Broad Arrow Kurawah Cemetery, Doolgunna Station, Israelite Bay, Karridale Pioneer Cemetery, Kellerberrin, Kimberley Church, Korrelocking 2nd Cemetery, Langanooka or Balline Station, Mt Elizabeth Station, Mt Newman Cemetery, Mt Wynn Oil Bore West Kimberley, Nanutarra Station Homestead, Nicholson Station, Old Wattoning homestead, Onslow Pioneer Cemetery, Wannamal Cemetery, Warmun, Yanyearaddy Station
41 images here - More to come . . .