S's 1-39

Images are arranged alphabetically by surname and then given names.
Lost Souls: Sagkechi, Salkeld, Sameloweitz, Sandilands, Sarre, Sarsella, Saul, Saunders, Savory, Saw, Sawyer, Scanlon, Scarff, Schell, Schmidt, Schmist, Schwan, Scott, Seddick, Seabrook, Seebeck - Fisher, Harrison, Leeson, Plozza, Timms
Rest Places: Armadale Congregational Church (moved to Minawarra Park), Broad Arrow Kurawah Cemetery, Bullfinch Cemetery, Burrumbar Station, Curarre Store Wyloo Station Ashburton, Davyhurst Cemetery, Ely Park Goomalling, Goongarrie, Granite Creek at Duracks Folly (headstone moved to Argyle Downs Homestead Museum), Karridale Pioneer Cemetery, Kookenwa Creek Muccan Station, Mt Grass Billabalong Station, Mt Fisher Station, Mt Newman Cemetery, Mulgi, Murchison River, Old Wannamal Cemetery, Onslow Pioneer Cemetery, Wheelara Well Coodardy Station
39 images here - More to come . . .