R's 1-40

Images are arranged alphabetically by surname and then given names.
Lost Souls: Rasmussen, Raunio, Reading, Reddy, Rees, Renwick, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rix, Robb, Roberts, Robertson, Robin, Robustelli, Rodda, Rodgers, Roe, Ronngren, Rosie, Ross - Behrenbeck, Cuff, Dyer
Rest Places: Bonney Downs Station East Pilbara, Broad Arrow Kurawah Cemetery, Exmouth, Karridale Pioneer Cemetery, Moorine Rock Cemetery Yilgarn, Mt Newman Cemetery, Mulyie Station East Pilbara, Nabberu, Newdegate, Old Point Cloates Norwegian Bay Whaling Station Ningaloo Station, Onslow Pioneer Cemetery, Railway View Farm Northam, Springhill Private Cemetery Bunbury, Wandina Station, Wickepin Pioneer Cemetery, Wubin
40 images here - More to come . . .