Mine Sites 1-41

Throughout the development of Western Australia, outback mine sites have provided a burial site for the pioneer owners and workers in the mines.
Some of these mine cemeteries have seen better times.
Lost Souls: Abbott, Adams, Allen, Anderson, Ashbury, Aspinnall, Ayre, Bandium, Barry, Bender, Bendil, Benorni, Bensberge, Berteson, Berthfold, Black, Blair, Blumfield, Boyes, Buckley, Burgess, Buswell, Byrne, Cain, Calder, Calleghan, Carruthers, Clough, Cloughley, Colguhoun, Conen, Cook, Cornish, Coyne, Crawford, Cusack, Cushion, Dance, Davern, Deucker, Doherty, Don, Donovan, Downing, Duffan, Duggan, Dyer, Ellitson, Erickson, Fanetti, Ficioli, Fitzgerald, Flynn, Fogarty, Fortunato, Gideus, Goffliebson, Grant, Hale, Hanley, Hanson, Harding, Harrison, Harvey, Hattly, Hatton, Hawkins, Hayes, Herritt, Hevitt, Higgins, Hill, Hodgkinson, Hoffman, Hogan, Howells, Huggins, Hughes, Hunter, Iuschkat, Johnson, Kachy, Kearn, Kelleher, Kellett, Kelly, Kennedy, Kenney, Kestel, King, Kirkpatrick, Lamont, Lancaster, Langham, Lawrence, Lee, Leggett, Lewis, Lofters, Lug, Luwen, Lyons, Mackenzie, Maeda, Mandeville, Manley, Mannion, Manson, Matherson, McAlson, McCarthy, McCoukey, Mcgovern, McKilley, McLernon, McMahon, Meehan, Milligan, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Netheratt, Newland, Newton, Nicholson, Norris, Northey, O'Brian, O'Neil, O'Toole, Oliver, Pabst, Parsons, Payne, Pippett, Powell, Pratt, Prendergast, Pueder, Punton, Rasmussen, Raunio, Renwick, Ross, Rule, Sarre, Sarsella, Sawyer, Schmidt, Seebeck, Shoesmith, Simm, Siuialpafe, Smith, Stacker, Stephens, Stewart, Stuart, Sudholz, Sullivan, Taylor, Thomas, Thomson, Thompson, Thorpe, Thorton, Tobin, Travis, Turner, Vaudermet, Vipond, Vogele, Wadge, Wallace, Waloucy, Walters, Watson, Wauderup, Wilberforce, William, Williams, Wong, Woods, Wright, Young
Rest Places: Arundel Bore, Bannockburn, Broad Arrow-Kurawah Cemetery, Brockman, Bronzewing gold mine, Croydon Goldfield, Diamond Bore, Fields Find, Geraldine Mine, Golden Grove, Hawks Nest, Holleton, Kanowna Lead Cemetery, Karridale, Lady Harris Mining Lease, Lawlers, Moolyella Tin Field, Mulwarrie Gold Mine, Murrin Murrin mine, Nabberu Basin, New Mexico Gold Mine, Night Well, Nullagine, Speakmans Find, Star of the East Gold Mine, Weld Range, Well 37 Canning Stock Route, Well 40 Canning Stock Route, Well 49 Canning Stock Route, Wooderarung Well, Yuin Reef Mine
41 Images here - All of the Mine Sites . . .