P's 1-40

Parsley, Harry

Images are arranged alphabetically by surname and then given names.

Lost souls: Pabst, Paddy, Park, Parsley, Parsons, Pascoe, Paton, Patience, Pavy, Paxton, Payne, Pearce, Peel, Pense, Penberthy, Peppuell, Perry, Petersen, Philbin, Philchowski, Phillips, Piggott, Pippett, Pite, Plant, Plozza - Ayrton, Bagley, Bell, Bone, Box, Brady, Buckley, Cain, Capel, Davidson, Harrison, Hedley, Hogan, Ireland, King, Leeson, McGuiness, McKeever, Molloy, Osune, Scott, Smith, Spring, Williams

Rest Places:  Austin Cemetery, Broad Arrow Kurawah Cemetery, Cockatoo Creek East Kimberley, Condon Cemetery, Fields First Cemetery, Forrest River Mission East Kimberley, Lissadell Station Kimberley, Mandurah Old Churchyard, Mangowine, 1st Meekatharra Cemetery, Menzies, Mt Newman Cemetery, Old Cue Cemetery, Old Wannamal Cemetery, Onslow Pioneer Cemetery, Ord River Station Cemetery, Fitzroy River, Rottnest Island, Sheep Island Camden Sound, Springhill Private Cemetery, St John's Churchyard Bootenal, Turee Creek Station, Wickepin Pioneer Cemetery, Yanrey Station Ashburton

40 images here - More to come . . .

PABST, Maurice ThomasPaddyPARK Corporalp 1b PARKCorporal150PARSLEY HarryPARSLEY HarryPARSONS, Ernest Wp 3 PASCOE Mary JanePATON Jean CampbellPATON Jean CampbellPATON Jean CampbellPAVY PhilipPAXTON Henry LangfordPAYNE, CharlesPAYNE Constance EdnaPAYNE WilliamPEARCE SamuelPEARCE SamuelPEARCE SamuelPEEL Thomas & AYRTON Bridget PeelPENSE LesliePENBERTHY CharlesPENBERTHY CharlesPEPPUELL James & WILLIAMS Walter PERRY JohnPETERSEN, E PHILBIN PatrickPHILBIN PatrickPHILCHOWSKI RudolphPHILLIPS Henry alias PIERCE PHILLIPS Henry alias PIERCEPIGGOTT Charlotte & Mary CarolinePIGGOT BenjaminPIPPETT, Hazel MaryPITE Charles HenryPITE Charles HenryPITE Charles HenryPLANT TonyPLANT TonyPLOZZA Giovanni