Lonely Burial Sites 41-80

The development of the coastal regions and outback of Western Australia has seen people buried in many out of the way places. Some of those shown here are in unmarked graves and the people are also unknown.
Some of these lonely burial sites have had their stories told, others not, but each of the sites deserve recognition, as do the people interred there.
Lost Souls: Beacham, Bentley, Brass, Bussell, Carmody, Cook, Cox, Coxon, D'Antoine, Douglas, Evans, Francis, Freedman, Garland, Gray, Hasselt, Hunter, Keevil, Lindros, Livingstone, Miell, Molloy, Murray, Musk, McCormack, Nooy, Plant, Price, Reddy, Scanlon, Schell, Sloan, Smith, Sullivan, Ure, Whitehead, Windich
Rest Places: Eaglehawk Island Dampier, Eastern Creek, Edeline Island Strickland Bay, Ellensbrook Margaret River, Ely Park Goomalling, Errolls Sandstone, Esperance, Eucalyptus, Exmouth, Fitzgerald River National Park, Fitzroy River, Frankland River, Gibbings Island Kimberley, Goomalling, Granit Creek, Granny Soak, Grants Patch, Greenmount Hill, Gum Creek, Hamelin Pool Shark Bay, Hunter Creek Dampier, Israelite Bay, Katanning, Lagrange, Lake Darlot, Lake Dundas, Lake Poorrarecup, Leonora, Leonora-Nullagine Stock Route, Limestone Well Wiluna, Louisa Downs, Lowlands Mardella, Lynton
40 Images here - More to come . . .