LINDLEY, Beatrice Irene
LINDLEY, Beatrice Irene

L's 42-75

Images are arranged alphabetically by surname and then given names.

Lost souls:  Lennane, Lennon, Lewis, Lichberg, Lilley, Lillycrap, Lindley, Lindros, Linehan, Lintott, Locke, Lofters, Lug, Lukin, Luminati, Luwen, Lynch, Lyons - Grace


Rest Places:  Broad Arrow Kurawah Cemetery, Broome Pioneer Cemetery, Circle Valley, Coongan East Pilbara, Davyhurst Cemetery, Deepdale Estate Toodyay, Fitzroy Crossing, Gabbin, Karridale Pioneer Cemetery, Mt Jackson Station Yilgarn, Mt Newman Cemetery, Nullagine Stock Route Leonora, Onslow Pioneer Cemetery, Pindar, Wickepin Pioneer Cemetery, Wooderarung Well near Mullewa

34 images here - last of the L's . . .

LENNANE Martin Harold LENNANE Martin Harold LENNON JamesLENNON JamesLEWIS AnnieLEWIS Annie LEWIS, DavidLEWIS JohnLEWIS JohnLEWIS, Libip ElizabethLEWIS, MargaretLEWIS Michael GraemeLEWIS Michael Graeme LEWIS, PearkLEWIS Peter LEWIS PeterLICHBERG, CecilLILLEY HenryLILLYCRAP, WinneLINDLEY Beatrice Irene LINDROS GusLINEHAN, M ELINTOTT Thomas LINTOTT Thomas LOCKE, CharlesLOFTERS, Selby JohnLUG, Sydney EdwinLUKIN Lionel LUKIN Lionel LUMINATI, EnriglicLUWEN, IsabellaLYNCH, ThomasLYONS Edith LYONS, Mary Ann