S's 158-168

SWAN, James
SWAN, James

Images are arranged alphabetically by surname and then given names.

Lost Souls: Suttie, Sutton, Swan, Sweeney, Swinton, Swinton - Brown

Rest Places: Ivanhoe Station Kimberley, Mandurah Graveyard, Mt Florence Station, Nannine Cemetery, West Lacepede Island, Widgiemooltha Cemetery

11 images here - Last of the S's . . .


SUTTIE DavidSUTTIE DavidSUTTIE DavieSUTTON FamilySUTTONSWAN JamesSWAN JamesSWAN Mary & her childrenSWEENEY Doris GeorginaSWEENEY Doris GeorginaSWINTON James & Mary