- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 6921
Small Cemeteries 1-40

The development of Western Australia has seen many small cemeteries created as people explored and settled in this state.
Some graves have headstones and others are unmarked and in some cases there is only a list of people who have been buried there but care has been taken to remember the people who have come before us.
Lost Souls: Abbott, Allen, Anderson, Ashbury, Ashton, Ayre, Bell, Bendil, Benorni, Bensberge, Berteson, Berthfold, Bird, Black, Blair, Blumfield, Boerio, Bone, Box, Boyes, Brady, Buckley, Burges, Byrne, Cain, Calleghan, Capel, Carruthers, Cassidy, Clarke, Clough, Cloughley, Cocks, Colguhoun, Collin, Conen, Cook, Cornish, Crawford, Cusack, Cushion, Dance, Davern, Dellar, Deucker, Doherty, Don, Donovan, Downing, Duffan, Eggeling, Elliot, Erickson, Fanetti, Ficioli, Fitzgerald, Flynn, Fogarty, Follett, Fumes, Fortunato, Furness, Gherardin, Gideus, Goffliebson, Grant, Gresson, Grose, Guy, Hanley, Hanson, Harding, Harrison, Hartley, Harvey, Hattly, Hatton, Hawkins, Hedley, Herritt, Hevitt, Higgins, Hill, Hodgkinson, Hoffman, Hourie, Howells, Huggins, Hughes, Hunter, Ireland, Irvine, Iuschkat, Johnson, Jones, Kearn, Kearns, Kelleher, Kellett, Kelly, Kennedy, Kestel, Kramer, Kurth, Lamont, Langham, Lawrence, Lee, Leggett, Lewis, Lichberg, Lofters, Lug, Luminati, Luwen, Lyons, Mackenzie, Maeda, Malone, Mandeville, Manley, Mannion, Mansan, Martin, Matherson, Meehan, Meilke, Mill, Milligan, Molloy, Moore, Morgan, McAlson, McAtamney, McCabe, McCarthy, McCoukey, McDonnell, McGovern, McGuiness, McKeever, McKilley, McMahon, Netheratt, Newland, Newton, Nicholson, Nobili, Norris, Northey, Oates, O'Brian, O'Neil, Osune, O'Toole, Pabst, Parsons, Patience, Petersen, Pippett, Powell, Powles, Pratt, Prendegast, Pueder, Rasmussen, Renwick, Rhodes, Robertson, Rodda, Rowe, Rule, Ryan, Sameloweitz, Sarre, Sarsella, Sawyer, Schmidt, Seebeck, Simm, Siuialpafe, Smith, Snell, Soden, Spring, Stacker, Stephens, Stewart, Straughan, Stuart, Sudholz, Sullivan, Talor, Thomas, Thompson, Thorpe, Thorton, Travis, Turner, Vaudermet, Vipond, Vogele, Wadge, Wallace, Waloucy, Walters, Watson, Wauderup, Wilberforce, William, Williams, Williamson, Woods, Wright, Young
Rest Places: Arrio Cemetery Three Springs, Balbarrup Cemetery, Galgarrie Cemetery, Balin gup Cemetery, Balla Balla Cemetery, Bamboo Creek Cemetery, Bardoc Cemetery, Black Flag Cemetery, Black Range-Nungarra Cemetery, Bonshaw Cemetery Cranbrook, Bootenal Cemetery, Boraning-Marling Cemetery Williams, Broad Arrow Kurawah Cemetery Kalgoorlie, Bullfinch Cemetery, Butteraby Cemetery, Chowerup Cemetery, Condon Cemetery, Cookernup Cemetery, Corrigin Cemetery, Cowcow Cemetery, Cue Cemetery (unregistered), Cull Culli Cemetery, Cygnet Bay Cemetery, Darlot Cemetery, Davyhurst Cemetery
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 6443
Small Cemeteries 41-80

The development of Western Australia has seen many small cemeteries created as people explored and settled in this state.
Some graves have headstones and others are unmarked and in some cases there is only a list of people who have been buried there but care has been taken to remember the people who have come before us.
Lost Souls: Bailey, Berand, Billy, Brosnan, Brown, Covey, Cushion, Davis, Duke, Durlacher, Duthie, Essex, Foster, Halligan, Harrison, Hayes, Hogan, Jones, Killili, King, Kirkaldy, Martin, Payne, Quigley, Robinson, Schwan, Smith, Suerdieck, White, Woods
Rest Places: Derby Bungarun Leprosarium Cemetery, Diorite King Cemetery Kurrajong, Duketon Cemetery, Erlistoun Cemetery, Eticup Cemetery Broomehill, Eucla Cemetery, Fields Find Cemetery, Fitzroy Cemetery, Fremantle Skinner Street Cemetery, Freshwater Camp Cemetery Denham, Gabbin Cemetery, Gascoyne Junction Cemetery, Geraldine Cemetery, Geraldton Cemetery, Glentromie Cemetery, Goongarrie Cemetery, Grass Patch Cemetery, Gullewa Cemetery, Gwalla Cemetery Northampton, Halls Creek Cemetery, Harrismith Cemetery
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 5814

The development of Western Australia has seen many small cemeteries created as people explored and settled in this state.
Some graves have headstones and others are unmarked and in some cases there is only a list of people who have been buried there but care has been taken to remember the people who have come before us.
Lost Souls: Adams, Coffey, Crechan, Del Agrassa, Elsegood, Epis, Harris, Hartrick, Kiesewetter, Lawson, Marinoni, Moate, Morriss, Pavy, Pearce, Robin, Smith
Rest Places: Hines Hill Cemetery, Holleton Cemetery, Hopetoun Pioneer Cemetery, Jumperdine Cemetery Toodyay, Kaluwiri Cemetery, Kanowna Grave Dam, Kanowna Lead Cemetery, Karridale Cemetery, Kathleen Valley Cemetery, Kinganna Cemetery, Korrlocking 1st Cemetery, Korrelocking 2nd Cemetery, Kundip townsite Cemetery, Kurnalpi Cemetery, Lake Austin Cemetery, Lake Grace Cemetery, Lake King Cemetery, Lake Raeside Cemetery Malcom, Lennonville Cemetery, Meekatharra 1st Cemetery, Mertondale Cemetery, Moorine Rock Cemetery Yilgarn
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 6105
Small Cemeteries 121-160

The development of Western Australia has seen many small cemeteries created as people explored and settled in this state.
Some graves have headstones and others are unmarked and in some cases there is only a list of people who have been buried there but care has been taken to remember the people who have come before us.
Lost Souls: Arnason, Auburn, Ball-King, Barkus, Bell, Bidwell, Boundy, Bourgoin, Brouder, Brown, Butler, Bynth, Calder, Callaghan, Carroll, Church, Clark, Clements, Clinch, Collins, Conway, Cosar, Cowie, DeHamiel, Devas, Downing, Draper, Duff, Edmondson, Elliott, Eustace, Evans, Gallagher, Gibson, Harbourdt, Harrington, Hattley, Hay, Hayes, Hewitt, Irwin, Jackson, Jeffries, Jessie, Joyce, Kealy, Keane, King, Knott, Lawrence, Lee, Lees, Lennane, Lyons, Mahoney, Manson, Marmham, Mason, Mitchell, Morgan, McCarroll, McCreinan, McGuinness, McMurtrie, Napier, Northey, O'Donohue, Oldfield, Oldham, Paton, Radinicich, Richards, Roberts, Rose, Ross, Russell, Saunders, Schmaka, Scott, Sheridan, Shimamoto, Smith, Stegie, Stephenson, Stewart, Storck, Storrar, Strudwick, Swinton, Taylor, Tonkin, Warton, Wildbure, Williams, Willox
Rest Places: Mt Ida Cemetery, Mt Keith Cemetery, Mt Margaret Cemetery, Mt Morgan Cemetery, Mulline Cemetery, Mulwarrie Cemetery, Munglinup Cemetery, Murrum Murrim Cemetery, Nannine Cemetery, Nardie Cemetery Toodyay, Newman Cemetery, Northam Cemetery, Nullagine Cemetery, Nungarra Cemetery Sandstone, Old Menzies Cemetery, Ora Banda Cemetery, Paddington Gudara Cemetery, Paynes Find Cemetery, Peak Hill Cemetery
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 5960
Small Cemeteries 161-200

The development of Western Australia has seen many small cemeteries created as people explored and settled in this state.
Some graves have headstones and others are unmarked and in some cases there is only a list of people who have been buried there but care has been taken to remember the people who have come before us.
Lost Souls: Ally, Armanasco, Bedford, Blake, Bromnley, Budiselic, Caddy, Chopin, Clarke, Cumerford, Cunningham, Curtis, Donovan, Fitzgerald, Goddard, Grant, Green, Harris, Haworth, Henshaw, Hill, Howle, Hoyle, Irvine, Jarvis, Johnson, Mahamond, Mattner, McGuire, McPhee, Reading, Ridge, Rylie, Ryan, Ure, Watson
Rest Places: Pingin Cemetery, Pintaruka Cemetery, Pioneer & Marvel Loch Cemeteries Southern Cross, Popanyinning Cemetery, Quaranup Cemetery, Red Hill Cemetery Perenjorie, Rottnest Island Cemetery, Salmon Gums Cemetery, Sandstone Cemetery, Sir Samuel Cemetery, Springhill Cemetery, Strawberry Cemetery, Tampa Cemetery, Tarin Rock Cemetery, Tenterden Cemetery, Toolabin Cemetery, Tuckanurra Cemetery
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 5917
Small Cemeteries 201-219

The development of Western Australia has seen many small cemeteries created as people explored and settled in this state.
Some graves have headstones and others are unmarked and in some cases there is only a list of people who have been buried there but care has been taken to remember the people who have come before us.
Lost Souls: Darlington, Doyle, Elphic, Furlong, Lander, Marshall, Robb, Robinson, Slingsby, Sudlow, Sweeney, Tobias, Warner
Rest Places: Walebing Cemetery, Walkaway Cemetery, Warmun Cemetery, Watheroo Cemetery, Whim Creek Cemetery, Widgiemooltha Cemetery, Wiluna Lakeway Cemetery, Wittenoom Cemetery, Woodman Point Cemetery, Wubin Cemetery, Wyndham Aboriginal Cemetery, Wyndham Afghan Cemetery, Wyndham the Bend Cemetery, Yealering Cemetery, Yerilla Cemetery, Yorkrakine Cemetery, Yundamindera Cemetery
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 8230
Station Cemeteries 1-40

Throughout the development of Western Australia, outback cattle stations have provided a burial site for the pioneer owners and workers on the stations.
Some of these station cemeteries have seen better times.
Lost Souls: Anderson, Bolton, Bresnahan, Brooks, Carmody, Comtesse, Cream, Downard, Durack, Eguyp, Fitzpatrick, Gallop, Glanfield, Gnowee, Hackett, Hill, Leeder, Lelbach, Lewis, Macale, Mahomet, Martin, Morck, O'Brien, Ponton, Rutter, Sa.keld, Savory, Scott, Seddick, Snell, Spider, Stidworthy, Toomath, Vines, Wells, Wethrall, Wilson, Wittladong
Rest Places: Afghan Rocks on Balladonia Station, Arundel Bore Beefwood Park Station, Anna Plains Station, Ashburton Downs Station, Balbinya Station, Balla Balla Station, Balladonia Station, Balline Station, Bamboo Springs Station, Ben Dhue Station, Beringarra Station, Bil.abalong Station, Bimbijy Station, Bonney Downs Station, Bow River Station, Braeside Station, Brooking Springs Station, Burrumbar Station, Cobra Station, Cogla Dons Station, Condeena, Coodrdy Station, Coongan, Coruna Downs Station, Coodardy Station, Cosmo Newberry Station, Culli Culli Station, Curarre store Wyloo Station Ashburton, Dairy Creek Station, Dalbercutting Spring Station, De Grey Station, Doolgunna Station, Dunham River Station
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 7723
Station Cemeteries 41-79

Throughout the development of Western Australia, outback cattle stations have provided a burial site for the pioneer owners and workers on the stations.
Some of these station cemeteries have seen better times.
Lost Souls: Ameer, Anderson, Brandstater, Burns, Campbell, Cogvin, Connell, Cox, Crowson, Darcy, Deacon, Dinsdale, Dunn, Durack, Edkins, Ericson, Fitzpatrick, Gordon, Halstead, Harris, Hicks, Hogg, Johnson, King, Marshall, Mathews, Meade, Monger, Morgan, McDonald, O'Driscoll, Orn, Saul, Schwan, Sharp, Shaw, Sheen, Simpson, Skipworth, Smith, Spinney, Stanmore, Suttie, Thomas, Timms, True, Warren
Rest Places: Edjudina Station, El Questro Station, Ella Valla Station, Erong Station, Ethel Creek Station, Flora Valley Station, Fraser Range Station, Glen Florrie Station, Glenorn Station, Glenroy Station, Goongarrie Station, Gordon Downs Station, Hardy Junction Station, Hill Grove Station, Indee Station, Ivanhoe Station, Karbar Station, Klincaven Station, Kookenwa Creek Muccan Station, Kooline Station, Koordarrie Station, Lake Wells Station, Lissadell Station, Liveringa Station, Lynburn Station, Louisa Downs Station, Mangaroon Station, Mardarthuna Station, Mardi Station, Margaret River Station, Meedo Station, Meentheena Station, Meka Station, Mellenbye Station, Mililya Station, Millstream Station
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 6561
Station Cemeteries 80-119

Throughout the development of Western Australia, outback cattle stations have provided a burial site for the pioneer owners and workers on the stations.
Some of these station cemeteries have seen better times.
Lost Souls: Broad, Carnaby, Colbert, Collins, Cook, Coppin, Dale, Davis, Farmer, Fawcett, Fisher, Forrest, Gilba, Hamersley, Hardy, Harris, Holthouse, Hope, Horsefield, Jasper, Johnson, Kennedy, Kifen-Petersen, Lacey, Learmonth, Lee, Lindley, Madden, Martin, May, Mike, McCauley, McGill, McTavish, Ningham, Oakley, O'Brien, Ogilvie, O'Sullivan, Pite, Potts, Richardson, Seabrook, Shadforth, Stewart, Waldeck, Wilson
Rest Places: Millie Soak Nallan Station, Milly Milly Station, Mindaroo Station, Mt Dockrell Looma Station, Mt Elizabeth Station, Mt Farmer Station, Mt Florence Station, Mt House Station, Mt Jackson Station, Mt Murchison Station, Mt Phillip Station, Mt Sandiman Station, Mt Vernon Station, Muccan Station, Mulyie Station, Mundrabilla Station, Munarra Station, Murchisoun House Station, Nanutarra Station, Nicholson Station, Ningham Station, Noondoona Station, Nyang Station Ashburton, Old Billiluna Station, Ord River Station, Oscar Range Station
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 6868
Station Cemeteries 120-154

Throughout the development of Western Australia, outback cattle stations have provided a burial site for the pioneer owners and workers on the stations.
Some of these station cemeteries have seen better times.
Lost Souls: Ashton, Banhan, Bird, Boddington, Cameron, Clark, Cusack, Davies, De Pledge, Dudley, Durack, Feely, Fraser, Harding, Heron, Larking, Lefroy, Lucy, Maguire, McKenzie, North, Parsley, Perry, Rutter, Salkeld, Smithers, Smathwist, Stewart, Tracey, Underwood, Wallgreen, Watson, Williams, Woolhouse
Rest Places: Pago Pago Station Kimberley, Pardoo Station, Rockhole Station, Roy Hill Station, Ruby Plains Station, Rutters Soak, Siberia Station, Springvale Station, Strelley Station, Sturt Creek Station, Tamala Station, Tambray Station, Turee Creek Station, Turner River Station, Twin Peaks Station, Uaroo Station, Wanarra Station, Williambury Station, Wogoola Station (now Nyang), Woodara Cemetery on Melrose Station, Wooleen Station, Wyloo Station, Yakabindi Station, Yanrey Station, Yanyeareddy Station, Yarragadee Station Mingenew, Yarraloola Station Ashburton, Yinnetharra Station, Youanmi Station, Youin Station
- Details
- Category: Small Cemeteries, Station Cemeteries
- Hits: 5130
Quarantine Graves 1-11

The quarantine stations in Western Australia were necessary and have many graves attached to them. We only have 11 to date.
Some of these quarantine graves have seen better times.
Lost souls: Binkote, Cigilau, Grant, McGuire, O'Kane, Tugova, Waladua
Rest Places: Quaranup Quarantine Station, Woodman Point Quarantine Station