Pioneer Cemeteries 1-45
Numerous pioneer cemeteries throughout Western Australia have fallen into disrepair over a long period of time.
Many Shire councils, in conjunction with local residents and businesses, have gone to great lengths to maintain and restore pioneer cemeteries. There is still much work to be done…
Lost souls: Abilby, Abotomey, Adams, Adamson, Alberiz, Anmenke, Annie, Augsten, Bagley, Barnard, Batcher, Bennett, Bernard, Blackburn, Blake, Bluey, Boyton, Bradfield, Bradley, Brown, Busswell, Carlsen, Carlson, Carr, Castle, Charlie, Chippindall, Christensen, Christie, Clark, Cochrane, Collingwood, Codrich, Cottle, Cotter, Cowcher, Crotty, Cumming, Cutcher, Dalton, Delfs, Devas, Diddams, Donnely, Donovan, Downes, Edwards Elson, English, Fibbin, Fielder, Fisher, Flemming, Forbes, Forrest, Forsyth, Gardiner, Gath, George, Georgina, Godfrey, Goodfellow, Gray, Griffin, Hadwicer, Halbert, Hamann, Hansen, Harrison, Hart, Hassan, Hassell, Hawkins, Haynes, Herrmann, Hooley, Hosking, Hurfit, Iddenden, Jago, Jensen, Johnson, Jones, Kealy, Keating, Keeler, Keen, Kewley, Kingsley, Kinsella, Knowles, Ku, Kusaka, Lapthorne, Leeson, Lennon, Lewis, Lillycrap, Linehan, Locke, Lynch, Madge & Child, Maher, Mahoney, Malacca, Mallachi, Manjorie, Mary, Matthews, Maxwell, Melican, McAllister, McCarthy, McCracken, McDaniel, McDonald, McGrath, McKay, McKenzie, McLean, Mole, Munday, Murphy, Nellie, Nystrom, O'Callaghan, O'Donnell, O'Grady, Osborne, Ovean, Paddy, PalmerPayne, Pearce, Pense, Plozza, Reynolds, Rich, Rodgers, Roe, Rosie, Rowland, Rutherford, Sagkechi, Scarff, Scott, Sibley, Skeels, Stapelman, Stewart, Surradge, Thurkle, Tonkin, Townsend, Tracey, Tregear, Turner, Verry, Walter, Ward, Waters, Waterson, Webster, White, Whittaker, Wodda, Wong, Wright, Young
Rest Places:
Augusta, Billadu, Bridgetown, Broome, Bunbury, Carnarvon, Coolgardie, Cossack, Dardanup, First Meekatharra, Fitzroy Crossing, Hopetoun, Karridale, Kondinin, Morawa, Mullewa, Old Halls Creek, Old Menzies, Old Wannamal, Onslow, Ravensthorpe, Southern Cross Memorial, Toodyay, Wickepin, Williams, Wiluna-Lakeway, Yearling, York
45 images - All of the current Pioneer Cemeteries . . .